All posts in: "choosing your seeds"

  1. SEED OF THE WEEK: Kohlrabi

    Kohlrabi is an unusual looking cold weather crop like other Brassica family plants – it has a crisp texture with a mild Brassica flavour hints…

  2. SEED OF THE WEEK: Mid-Season Planting

    Even though it is mid-July, there is time to grow many crops that don’t mind the cold of Fall. Spinach may not germinate now in…

  3. What can I do when my spinach bolts?

    Your spinach is likely going to seed with this hot weather last week.  You can remove the plants, then plant more spinach or another crop…

  4. What if my radishes go quickly to seed?

    Most of your seeds should be planted by now.   Don’t forget you can extend your harvest period by replanting one crop when the previous crop…

  5. SEED OF THE WEEK: Early Wonder Beets

    Early Wonder produces a smooth flattened globe with a blood red interior.  Prized for its beet greens, the tops reach 40-45cm (16-18″) in height and…

  6. Which Cucumber/Squash Families Play Well Together?

    It is well known that members of the cucumber/ squash family can’t be grown side by side because they will cross pollinate.  However if you…

  7. SEED OF THE WEEK: Scarlet Runner Bean

    Scarlet Runner:  This heritage bean grows very tall so requires a trellis for support. The beans are flat, long and have a slightly ‘fuzzy’ feel.…

  8. SEED OF THE WEEK: Calendula

    Calendula is a somewhat hardy annual, not be harmed by a light frost either in the spring or fall.  It is an easy-to-grow flower that is edible…

  9. Determinate vs. Indeterminate Tomatoes

    Determinate tomatoes tend to bear their crop all at once, while indeterminate tomatoes bear fruit over the course of a season. Indeterminate varieties tend to…

  10. SEED OF THE WEEK: Italia Tomato

    Indeterminate – 70 days Qualifies as a small paste tomato but super-sweet and great for snacking right off the vine as well. Very prolific. Dehydrates…