Chaga Mushroom Posted February 7, 2015 by Edee Klee


Chaga Mushroom is known by the Siberians as the “gift from god” and the “mushroom of mortality.” This hard mushroom is nothing like common mushrooms – and is the most nutritionally dense of all tree growths.

This health super food has numerous benefits. It is a cancer fighter, anti-tumor agent, gastro-intestinal tonifier and more. Chaga’s purifying, detoxing and healing properties have been known in Russia for centuries.

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Chaga Mushroom
chaga mushroom
Course Beverages
Course Beverages
chaga mushroom
  1. Boil a small piece of chaga in a large amount of water for 30 minutes and then drink the tea. If it is too strong, you can dilute with some boiled water. You can reuse it for at least a month! Just add some more water and this time boil it for 1-2 minutes and then drink tea. Keep reusing until the tea is very weak.
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