How to Make Yoghurt
  • 2litres milkit doesn’t matter if it is full fat homogenized, 2% or skim. You can also use cream. NOTE: Avoid “boxes” of product that have been “UHT” treated. If it is shelf stable at room temperature, it won’t make yogurt.
  • 2tbsp starter culture Either keep some from your previous batch (best if used within 5-7 days) or buy a commercial plain, yogurt that has LIVE culture in it. Locally available brands include Liberte.
  • 1/4 – 1/2cup dry milk powdercompletely optional
  1. Set the crockpot to heat on “Low”.
  2. Pour 2 litres of milk into large, heavy bottom pot.
  3. Using medium heat and stirring frequently, heat milk until it reaches 84°C (185°F) – “frothing temperature”.
  4. Place pot into sink of cold water, filling sink until the water level comes roughly half way up the side.
  5. Continue stirring until milk cools to 40-45° C (105-115° F). This is very important! Milk temperatures over 48° C (120°F) will kill the bacteria culture.
  6. UNPLUG the crockpot and add milk to the crockpot.
  7. Stir in 2 Tablespoons (30 ml) of yogurt culture – don’t be tempted to add more. It will make your yogurt bitter.
  8. Cover crockpot and wrap in towels. Make sure crockpot is unplugged.
  9. Let sit for 6-8 hours undisturbed. Make note of how long you left it because that will tell you what time frame your family likes best. The longer it sits, the more “tart” it becomes
After Fermentation
  1. After fermentation, Test your yogurt. It might be a bit thin and watery for your tastes. If this is the case, line a colander with a clean smooth surface cloth (kitchen towel, t-shirt, muslin “jelly bag”). Cheesecloth is too porous for this use. Fasten the cloth with clothespins. Ladle the yogurt into the colander and let it sit over a collection pot for several hours. Ideally, this should be refrigerated. If your yogurt is to your liking, put into an airtight container and store in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. If the yogurt is too thick for your tastes, take some of the liquid in the bottom of the collection container (whey) and mix it back in.